Policing Board Confirms Assistant Chief Constable Appointment

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The Policing Board has confirmed that Temporary Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Stephen Martin will be substantively appointed as ACC for the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) from 30 June 2014.

Mr Martin was reserve candidate in an ACC competition conducted by the Board in July 2013 and will fill the ACC vacancy arising from the appointment of George Hamilton as Chief Constable.

Speaking about the appointment Board Chair Anne Connolly said:

“On behalf of the Board, I congratulate Stephen on his appointment as Assistant Chief Constable.

This is an exciting time to be part of the Service Executive Team and ACC Martin will play an important role within the senior officer team moving forward.

As a Board we look forward to working with him.”


For further information please contact the Policing Board's Communications Branch on 07801 738795.

Notes to Editors

  • Appointment: The appointment was made by the Policing Board in accordance with Section 35 of the Police (NI) Act 2000.
  • Assistant Chief Constables: There are currently 5 Assistant Chief Constable posts in Northern Ireland.
  • Personal Profile: Stephen Martin who currently leads the PSNI’s Operational Support Department has 28 years police service and has a wide range of experience in uniform and detective roles as well as Headquarters. He was previously the Head of Operational Training for the PSNI for 3 years which included leading on the introduction and embedding of Human Rights principles and awareness into all training.

Most recently Stephen, in his role as Chief Superintendent, was District Commander for G District, which includes Londonderry. He was the Police Gold Commander for the City of Culture 2013.

He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Stephen was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal in the Birthday Honours list 2013

Notes to Editors ends