Following two successful calls awarding over £300k in small grants to projects across Northern Ireland, the Northern Ireland Policing Board is today opening a third call for applications to the Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme.
This third call will see up to £200k awarded in grants of between £1000 and £10,000 to projects which work with local police, contribute to community safety and/or building confidence in policing and are aligned to a charitable purpose.
Policing Board Chair Deirdre Toner encouraged those who have an idea for a project that may fit the bill to apply:
“It’s fantastic to be able to once again open the Small Grants Scheme to community projects as we have seen the benefits delivered from the first two calls.
This scheme provides an opportunity to access monies that will engage and support local community focused projects.
To be eligible, organisations have to demonstrate that their projects engage with local police, contributes to building community safety and/or confidence in police, and are aligned to a charitable purpose.’
For further information please contact the Board’s Communications Office.
Notes to editors
- The Board is allowed to provide payments to organisations for charitable purposes under the Police (Property) Regulations 1997. The monies in the Police Property Fund come from assets recovered by PSNI during criminal investigations, and the Scheme is administered by the Board in line with the Police (Property) Regulations NI 1997.
- A list of previous successful applicants can be found here https://www.nipolicingboard.org.uk/files/nipolicingboard/publications/police-property-fund-small-grants-scheme-call-1_0.pdf
- All information on the eligibility criteria for the Police Property Fund Small Grants Scheme and application documentation for Call 3 can be found on the Board’s website: https://www.nipolicingboard.org.uk/police-property-fund
- The closing date for this call will be 24 January 2024