Policing Board Staff Structure

The Policing Board is staffed by both Civil Servants and directly recruited members of staff. There are approximately 50 staff members split across four directorates. All staff are employed under Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) Terms and Conditions and fall under NICS pay scales.

The Chief Executive is the head of the Policing Board’s staff and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation.

The Policing Board's Chief Executive is Sinead Simpson.

The role of Policing Board staff is:

  • To support the Policing Board in carrying out its role and in fulfilling its statutory functions.
  • To advise the Policing Board on the development of strategies and policies and in the decision making process.
  • To implement the strategies, policies and decisions of the Policing Board.
  • To represent the Policing Board at meetings of officials involving other bodies or groups; and
  • To develop and maintain effective corporate governance arrangements.

Click here to view the Northern Ireland Policing Board Organisational Chart

The Board has achieved accreditation for both Investors in People and Investors in Volunteers.