Policing Board briefed on HMICFRS Report on police handling of Bobby Storey Funeral

The Northern Ireland Policing Board has been briefed by HMI Matt Parr on the findings of the Thematic Inspection conducted into the PSNI’s handling of the funeral of Mr Bobby Storey.

Speaking about the Inspection Report published, Board Chair Doug Garrett said:

“This is a significant inspection which provides independent examination and explanation around the policing approach. It was necessary to provide assurance on areas of concern raised by Board Members and respond to wider policing confidence issues. 

The Board has initially questioned the Chief Constable on the Report’s findings and the specific lessons to be learned from this review for the future. Members have asked the Chief Constable to provide a formal written response to the Inspection and the implementation of recommendations made. Further discussion will then be held with the Chief Constable so that the detail of the Inspection and analysis included can be given full consideration.

As with the Board’s own review of policing of Covid-19, the understanding of the Regulations and accompanying guidelines available at the time of this funeral is the subject of detailed commentary highlighting the challenges faced by policing in delivery.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to record thanks to HMI Parr and his inspection team for conducting this review so promptly.”


For further information, please contact the Policing Board's Communications Branch on 07801 738795

Notes to Editors

1 A copy of the HMICFRS Report can be found here: https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmicfrs/publications/inspection-into-police-service-northern-irelands-handling-of-the-bobby-storey-funeral/

Notes to Editors ends