Six Recommendations for Improvement in Professional Standards Review

Doug Garrett

The Northern Ireland Policing Board has made six recommendations for improvement as the result of a review it conducted into Professional Standards within the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

The review was initiated by the Board following a series of concerns raised regarding the police handling of some misconduct investigations and standards of behaviour within the PSNI.

Speaking about the review and recommendations made Policing Board Chair Doug Garrett said:

“The Board agreed that additional scrutiny needed to be brought to issues relating to Professional Standards within the PSNI following a series of concerns, and has been working over the last number of months to examine in detail current processes, policies and procedures in this area.   As a result of the review the Board has identified areas for improvement.

This review makes six recommendations across a range of issues relating to the operation of the current police misconduct system and the handling of professional standards within the PSNI.  The review has also identified some areas that will require legislative change and other matters relating to the misconduct process that will require consideration by the Department of Justice (DoJ).

The Board is mindful of the negative impact this issue has had on both public confidence in policing and the reputation of the PSNI.  In the course of this review, the Board has recognised the significant efforts being made by the PSNI Senior Leadership Team to make sure all police staff are aware of the standards and behaviours expected within the Service.  

The Board remains committed to making sure that it delivers on its oversight duties so that the PSNI meets the standards rightly expected by the community in the delivery of the policing service, and will report on progress made in implementation of these recommendations.”


Notes to Editors

  1. A copy of the report can be found on the Board’s website at