The Northern Ireland Policing Board is looking for at least 15 new volunteers from across Northern Ireland to join its Independent Community Observer Scheme. ICO’s help the Board deliver on its oversight responsibilities by monitoring the recruitment of Police Constables. The Board maintains a pool of volunteers to visit the assessment centres to make sure the recruitment process is independent, transparent and fair for all.
Speaking about the role, Policing Board Chair Doug Garrett said:
“If you enjoy volunteering or are looking for a volunteering role that’s just a little bit different, the Board’s Independent Community Observer (ICO) Scheme might be for you. ICOs are impartial volunteers who observe and report to the Policing Board on key aspects of the PSNI’s recruitment process for Police Constables. They ensure that the same procedures are applied to all candidates and that facilities and arrangements are adequate. Their feedback means that the Board can ensure that the processes for police recruitment are fair and equitable for all candidates.
We are looking for new volunteers from right across the community. No specific experience is required as all training and support is provided. The time requirement for an ICO is around 20 hours annually and the role is classed as episodical which means volunteering is only needed when there is a live recruitment campaign. This aspect may be particularly suitable or appealing however I encourage anyone interested to find out more as our feedback from past volunteers is that the role is both rewarding and interesting.”
Notes to Editors
For further information please contact the Board’s Communications Office on 07801 738795
- The role of Independent Community Observers is set out in Section 10 of the Police (Recruitment) (NI) Regulations 2001 with the Scheme managed and administered by the Northern Ireland Policing Board.
- Applications for the ICOs will be open from 8 March 2021 - 12 noon on 31 March 2021. Find out more about the Scheme and how to apply at www.nipolicingboard.org.uk
Notes to Editors ends.