Community background of police officers currently suspended

Date asked:
Board Member:Linda Dillon
Question type:Written


Regarding the response to the written question by Mike Nesbitt on the community background of police officers currently suspended from duty, which shows a ratio of 42% Protestant and 58% Catholic, can the CC provide more information on what lies behind this statistic? Does PSNI know why this ratio exists?


The statistics above have not undergone specific research or analysis in relation to factors that may affect particular sections of the community and contribute to an increased incidence of suspensions as outlined above.

Professional Standards Department are not aware of any officer’s community background, or other Section 75 category, at any point during the misconduct process unless such information is pertinent to the investigation.

All decisions taken in relation to the suspension of police officers are made on a case by case basis, in consideration of the facts of the alleged misconduct and the impact of the officer remaining in post.

Linda Dillon - Sinn Féin