PSNI Budget Pressures and Neighbourhood Policing Teams

Date asked:
Committee:Partnership committee
Question type:Written


The Board’s Partnership Committee have received updates this month from PSNI on progress against actions in the Local Policing Review Implementation Plan, within which the delivery of Neighbourhood Policing plays a central role. In light of those updates, Partnership Committee understand that PSNI is currently reviewing resource levels in this area as a result of budgetary pressures.

Can the Chief Constable update the Board and confirm that notwithstanding financial pressures, he remains firmly committed to achieving the 400 NPT officer target as a matter of priority, given the importance attached to the delivery of effective local policing within the N.I Policing Plan.


Despite financial pressures, the Chief Constable has committed to protecting investment in Neighbourhood Policing as a priority, including police officer numbers.

However, the draft budget settlement for 2021/22 could mean that we face a projected funding deficit of almost £23m. This will inevitably create pressures in other areas of service delivery and capability.

The most significant impact will be necessary reductions in both police officer and police staff recruitment and headcount in the region of 300 police officers and almost 100 police staff.

Partnership Committee